Rokeby School, Kingston Upon Thames

The project comprised a new Pre-Prep Building constructed on the site of the demolished pre-prep but with a much larger footprint and extended building. The new building consists of lower ground and upper ground floors, together with an entrance floor at ground floor level.

Heating System

The new building is provided with underfloor heating system served by an Air Source Heat pump boiler system, consisting of an external condenser unit connected to a heat pump boilers in the existing plantroom. Low temperature heating water is pumped around the building to serve the underfloor heating manifolds.

Ventilation Systems

A natural ventilation system is installed to provide background ventilation and night time cooling. The system is linked to the electronic window opening system, fire alarm and hall air handling unit.

Areas that are mechanically ventilated include:

  • First Aid Room
  • Toilets
  • Main Hall

The main Hall is provided with an external heat recovery air handling unit to provide tempered and filtered outside air to the building. The operation of the air handling units is controlled by the natural ventilation system and via a local controller in the hall.

All WCs are provided with mechanical extract ventilation.

Hot and Cold Water Services

A connection to the existing mains water system is provided in the existing plantroom to supply cold water throughout the building. New point of use hot water heaters were provided.

Blending valves are installed on all hot water outlets.


The underfloor heating system is provided with individual room thermostats and controls interlinked to the heat pump system controls.

The natural ventilation system provides control of background ventilation and night time cooling.

Public Health System

The building shall is provided with soil, waste and rainwater systems designed to the current Building Regulations and British Standards.

New Soil and waste stacks are cast iron. WC branch connections are cast iron or plastic where they do not penetrate fire compartments.

A new electrical supply was brought into the new building from the School’s existing ground floor main electrical switchroom. The new distribution system is used to feed the new building.

New Lighting has been provided to all areas with some luminaires of the maintained emergency type.

Socket outlets are provided to all areas.

The schools existing fire alarm system was extended to protect the new building as was the intruder alarm system.

Communication systems are provided consisting of voice and data linked to a new wall mounted cabinet.

A lightning protection system is also provided to the building.

Engineering Services included:

  • Incoming LV Cable Supply
  • Main Switchgear
  • Lighting including Emergency Lighting
  • External Lighting
  • Power and Minor Power
  • Intruder Alarm System as extension of existing
  • Fire Alarm System as extension of existing
  • Voice and Data systems including Cabinet
  • Supplies to Environmental Equipment
  • Heating Plant
  • Hot and Cold Water Supply System
  • Controls and wiring
  • Mechanical Ventilation Systems
  • Natural Ventilation Systems
  • Thermal Insulation
  • Above Ground Drainage Systems
  • Testing/Commissioning of all Systems
  • Demonstrations of all Systems to Users
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